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Astrid has advised thousands of people from all walks of life for over 35 years.

Hollywood stars, politicians, royalty, top execs, business owners, authors, healers, light-workers.

All Clients are held to the utmost privacy.

Feel free to add your testimonials on our linkedin page


“Astrid was the President of the United Nations Association for the Northern California Division (there are 11 UNA-USA national Divisions). Astrid led our organization with excellent leadership skills and commitment to the principles of the UNA. During that time, we celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco. Even with small children at home, Astrid proved that she is a woman with many talents, endurance, and capabilities in leading us through the mechanics of a national event. She also simultaneously found time to author part of a published book, and pursue her spiritual development. She seems to accomplish anything she puts her mind to, and I admire her many talents.”

Shera Banbury, C.M.T., M.A. Ed, R.Sc.P., Board Member, UNA-Golden Empire Chapter

Astrid is a creative, genuine and professional facilitator. As the owner of Brilliant Essence, she is a person who can help others learn more about themselves. I personally have worked with Astrid and her compassion towards the feelings and needs of those she is helping is amazing. She is able to create a dialog with someone who is searching for guidance and steer them in a sound direction. I would recommend Astrid for work in the business, education and self-actualization fields without hesitation.

Louise Masin Sattler, 411 Voices Co- Founding Member, EDUCATORS SPEAKERS ALLIANCE, Radio Host, 411Voices

Astrid's radio program featured an interview with me on Pay It Forward in business. It was a great interview, relaxed yet professional and the end result captured the concept and conveyed some real sense of fun too. It's a great program and Astrid is a great facilitator.
Nigel Dunn, Principal, Calx Europe



“Dotée d'une personnalité lumineuse , Astrid est une grande professionnelle dans tous les domaines où elle exerce. Sa capacité à sentir les émotions de l'autre, à comprendre son point de vue et à répondre à ses besoins est tout simplement remarquable. Elle soutient la personne dans son développement en l'accompagnant jusqu'au bout. Sensible, discrète, intègre, toujours présente et disponible quand il le faut. C'est une grande joie pour moi de vous la recommander et je considère comme un précieux atout sa parfaite maîtrise de la langue Française. Un immense merci pour ton aide Astrid!"

Chantal Nussbaum, M.D.

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